The web development team is less familiar with Elixir and is asking for a function to be able to extract data from a series of nested maps to facilitate rapid development.
Implement the extract_from_path/2 function to take two arguments:
data: a nested map structure with data about the basketball team.
path: a string consisting of period-delimited keys to obtain the value associated with the last key.
If the value or the key does not exist at any point in the path, nil should be returned.
Use the Access Behaviour when implementing this function.
Do not use any Map or Kernel module functions for working with the nested map data structure.
Your coworker reviewing your code tells you about a Kernel module function which does something very similar to your implementation.
Implement get_in_path/2 to use this Kernel module function.
The arguments expected are the same as part 1.
defmodule BasketballWebsite do
@moduledoc """
practice Access Behaviour
@doc """
get value depends on the given path
def extract_from_path(data, path), do: get_value_by_path(data, path_list(path))
def get_in_path(data, path), do: get_in(data, path_list(path))
defp get_value_by_path(value, []), do: value
defp get_value_by_path(data, [head | tail]), do: get_value_by_path(data[head], tail)
defp path_list(path), do: String.split(path, ".", trim: true)